Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Can't hurt if you don't Care....

w0ot.. Today has been good so far.. but really odd.. my mom comes in my room this morning and is like where is my phone charger and i told her it's in my car.. she was all pissy sounding.. then was like your not going out tonight tomorrow and the next day and the day after so on and so forth?  and The reason why i can't.. haha..i have no idea.. i haven't done anything wrong.. I think it's just her way to show authority  or whatever.. i haven't done a thing.. and she's telling me not to go out.. Under what grounds? and for that matter i haven't been home to do anything wrong.. makes no sense to me.. but whatever.. no sweat off my back.. anywho i have no plans for the rest of the day.. due to the fact i can't go anywhere.. But i'm gonna go make my List of stuff i have to accomplish before Christmas..  o the joy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to celebrate tonight!