Thursday, December 11, 2003

Hellish fight to not think about you...

The Play was funny.. haha.. to say the lease then we hit up the mall. and lisa got her mama a x-mas gift, then we went to starbucks got me one kickin peppermint Hot chocolate..

-couldn't find shit to do, so we went back to her apt. n watched The Simple Life.. and me n lisa discovered we would be the same way complaining all the time.. haha which is the funny part..then we watched The Ozzy X-mas good times..

Highlight of the night though was.. Hanging out of her windows like a fucking thug and dancing to outkast..

and that concludes that.. goodnight...

P.S I wanna wake up naked next to you.. kissing the curve of your clavicle..It's  been a hellish fight to not think about you all the time..

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