Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Good Enough...

Today was great.. Went out to eat twice with Lisa.. haha.. then hit up the mall, what a mad house.. hung out her house n watch out T.v shows. The Simple Life and Rich Girls.. helped her clean her car... and now i'm here..

alone and coughing up my lungs..

It's been far to long since i've seen you last.. a week to be exact. and it doesn't seem to look up from here...

All the fear has left me now
I'm not frightened anymore.
It's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh.
it's my mouth that pushes out this breath
and if I shed a tear I won't cage it.
I won't fear love
and if I feel a rage I won't deny it.
You never felt a thing
so soon forgotten
all that you do
is more than words
I tried to tell you
the more I tried I failed

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