Thursday, December 11, 2003

Another Day without a lover....

Went to Class.. Teacher didn't show up

Went to the mall to get mama her gifts..

Then hit up Ybor with Lisa.. Bought a kick ass white belt. and a t-shirt

Did other errons..

Called Andrew-didn't pick up

Now.. i'm home being bored.. waiting till i can leave to go back over to Lisa's to go to her mom's School play.. It should be Fun seeing those little kids. haha...

It's been far to long since i've seen Andrew..

 P.S. my Hip bone and Knee are killing me.. there so sore from yesterday...


Anonymous said...

Hey can I ask where you found the white belt?!?! I have been looking EVERYWHERE for one and I just cannot seem to find one...well, except there was this one at AF but it only came with the outrageously priced seventy dollar jeans!

Anonymous said...

haha it's not ur normal white belt though.. it "V's" in the front.. but i got it From Urban Outfitters in ybor.....