Monday, December 29, 2003

Fuck you And You.. And You.. And You...

Well, I've been up since around 7:45.. being that i went to bed at 10:30, because i had nothing to do.. I'm gonna jump in the shower in a bit and get ready for my day..Signing up for classes, then try to spend my Gift certificates i have..

It should be a wonderful day ALL BY MY FUCKING SELF!

I'm getting use to this lonely shit.. lol..

I had an enlighten conversation with someone last night.. that informed me of you Boys fucked up ways  of going on about shit.... all i have to say to that, is It's my own fault for falling for you fucked up ways...

With that said.. What Goes around comes around.. and i guess this is my coming around.. and you will get yours in the end...

I'm embracing this hate thats filling  my veins.. sadness becomes anger..

YOUR FAILURE IS MY REVENGE.....lifes gonna catch up with you in the end...

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