Friday, December 26, 2003

forget this thing called love...

open sky.. open ether..  Just getting back from Eating with Son and Lise then me n Lisa went up to the mall to try to do some bargain shopping.. no such luck.. Fucking Hollister was a mess it was horrible...

Today was long.. worked 9-6 busy as hell..  phones were ringing off the hook.. Andrew called me early in the morning.. made my day. =) little things that count..

Tonight.. Possibly going to see Stuck on you with Lisa and one of her friends.. Asked andrew to come over.. but that was a negative.. no surprise there..

Tomorrow.. Work 9-5 Free hamburgers and hotdogs if any of you guys wanna come out to Harley..haha donations of course. to the Good ol' Boyscouts.

Tomorrow Night.. who fucking knows....but I'm not counting on seeing Andrew.. I've giving up on that...he never wants to hang out....


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