Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Please Forgive...

hahaha.. the funniest shit happen today.. So me and Lisa go to be good citizens and give blood.. then afterwards we head to JCpenny's to take back a coat my mom got me, and i start to feel woosie.. and my vision gets blurry and next thing i know.. i'm passed out on the floor..  it was funnier then shit..  the reason why i did was b/c i hadn't eat all day and then went n gave blood.. The Fire department came and all.. i was just sitting there..Laughing and saying "I was Fine" then i'd fall over and black out again.. *Lisa told me this i don't remember a thing* haha anywho..

Possibly Hanging out with Andrew and what not later this's save to say there's not a moment that goes by in my day that i'm not thinking about him.. i'm completly nose over tail for this boy..and i feel like such a loser....

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