Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Right now i just don't care...

after finally having a good nights sleep i'm up and at em at 8:30.. haha.. Lisa's mama gave me medicine last night when we went over there n ate Chili and it knocked me out around 1:30..

anywho a recap of yesterday.. Me and Lisa went up to burlington Coat Factory and i got a cute pair of shoes, way outta my style but i couldn't resist.. perhaps i'm turning a new leaf?.... Then we went to countryside mall... Crazy drunk golf cart driver guy.. was a hoot.. we left empty handed.. ate dinner.. then we hung out at her apartment for a bit to figure out something to do.. We ended up seeing.. Somethings Gotta Give.. in which afterwards me and Lisa felt so alone, and unloved.  quite depressing.. being that we have no one...blah...

P.S It was nice talking to you last night, I've missed you.

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