Tuesday, January 6, 2004

With all of this....

today was a lazy day to say the least.. Sat on my butt..watched Boondock Saints again.. then  My drive thru records DVD then my KUT U UP DVD.. funnier then shit..

Talked to Lisa on the phone about her classes and what not.. Then talked to David for a good while...


Thursday Me and Lisa are going to The Circus. it's gonna rock, and all you are jealous admit it...Nikki asked me to go to the Castle with her that evening.. so I'm gonna try and drag Lisa along with me.. and we'll be lushes, and dance to good music..rock!


The Rest of the week consist of nothing really.. Possibly might go out with David on Saturday... but i can't remember if me and Lisa had plans or not.. I've been having a horrible memory lately.. she'll have to refresh it for me...

anywho.. I'm gonna finish up cleaning up my room, and being a lazy ass...

P.S.. i so danced my ass off this afternoon by myself downstairs to homegrown..

another thing.. i'm changing my name to Britni Ice Cold 3000.......

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