Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Loaded gun....

blah..Woke up at 7 got to HCC at 8 a.m.. and yadda yadda..yadda.. This Slick Black dude slipped me his number.. like whoa i didnt know what hit me.. stood in lines... came home.cried.for an hour went back to HCC.. sat on the floor with my ass crack showing hard core played stuntman...Got home from there at 6 o fucking clock.. i rock hardcore...

Went to Dinner with my mama.. Danced like party boy on my mom waiting for valet..Good Times..

Took a Bath.. and now i'm updating this shit.. for my own pleasure.. b/c no one ever reads the crap...

joined. b/c i f'ing rule and i have no life...

P.S I hate how i'm to long to fit in the whole Tub, and i gotta semi-curl up...gah...

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