Thursday, January 8, 2004

Where is my mind...??

Ahhh..well tonight was Great Me and Lisa had a wonderful time at the Circus it was amazing to say the least.. Then afterwards went to to Centro Ybor To get coffee (ended up getting tea)..and wait for Nikki to call.Went to Victoria Secrets' Big Annual sale.. had to get some shit. while waiting for nikki we tried to get the stupid photo booth shit to work.. no luck stupid shit.. Anywho. Making a long story short..

We ended up going to the Green Room.. early gah.. Lisa was bored outta her mind, and no one was dancing so we left around 12:30...and now here i am.. writing in this..


Tomorrow, I get paid thank goodness i got only 7 bucks to my name and that is it..


Doc. Appt.....Pick up check....perhaps lay out if it's not chilly....then thats it...


........Tomorrow Evening..blah i have nothing planned...Someone call a nigga or some shit.. Help a Sista out....

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