Thursday, January 8, 2004

Left here to Linger...

Well, I've been with my Daddy all day moving moving his shop office to his apartment then we went n took my grandma to Lunch then to go dropoff his bike n what not.. I Love my dad. end of story...

Tonight.. Me and Lisa are going to the Circus.. o0o0 snap.. Be jealous fuckers.. Then were hitting up the Castle..weee.. Dance untill i can't Dance no more literally..Then tomorrow.. I'm gonna lay out.. finish up my Dads books, and then go to a Doc App. and that will be my Friday good times. i know..blah..anywho i must get in the shower for this evening...


P.S i so looked like a boy today with a beanie on and a hoodie over that..  and i've come to the conclusion i'm one ugly fucking boy.


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