Saturday, November 15, 2003

tHe ShaKes...

so yeah.. me n lisa hit up the football game.. which was a total waste of 6 bucks.. I  was just reminded then why i hated H.S so much.. n  Why i'm so glad to be outta there.. after that Went over to Erics.. n played your typical drinking games.. Lets just say 3 hours later n a bottle of Red wine later.. Everyone but me was passed out on the floor.. and  i was left "hey guys come on.. get up blah blah" so  as usual i'm by the music playing all my fav. songs from the mix tape i made Eric..  blah blah..anywho all in all it was a great night.. but all today i had the shakes..  fucking sucked i felt like a crack addict going through withdrawls.. me n lisa vow to not drink for a while.. there's more stories through out the night.. but I'll post those in a later entry....but this entry is lame.. so i'm not even going to bother n try to be poetic and sarcastic.. Just Take me as i am..


Anonymous said...

Don't forget how lovely it was when I spilled the red wine on my white shirt! And I still feel like shit!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha..were so fucking funny..