Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I have Sars..

ah well today  is a new day..No more feeling sorry for myself. It's Wednesday which means early class.. and now i get to sit at home and Do nothing. w0ot.. anywho. I'll probably finish up my philosophy papers that i have due and what not..I have had a dry cough for the past two days and due to that i sound like a dude my voice is horribly raspy n stuff.. blah.. oh but this reminds me.. I had the best dream last night.. I was coming across Gandy on my bike (yes, i had my R6 in my dream) and a cop comes up next to me with his lights out.. and i'm oh shit.. so i down shift. and whatever hes all asking me questions like how fast are u going.. blah blah..  it was really wierd.. but i was just siked i was on my bike. =) this entry sounds so fucking nerdy.. goddamn..

The rest of the week looks quite boring besides Friday, me and lisa are still hitting up Down Town St. Pete.. to shop, stuff our face.. look at amazing art and go see Gothika.. and  the high light of it for me..Make fun of all the scene kids with there shaggy black hair down in there face..and there tight Girl pants.. haha.. i can't wait.. I Love Down Towns anywhere.. there full of culture.. I remember me n Billy use to go down there all the time.. n just walk around n talk..n goof off..Good Times.... blah i hate coughs....anywho i'm gonna go drink hot tea... I've been talken drunken Gibberish.....

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