Sunday, November 30, 2003


ahhh..Well today and last night i have no complaints what so ever.. Last night went over to Andrew's and watched some kick ass movies.. =)  And then today went to work.. then my dad gave me some mula to go winter shopping being that i have no fuckin' winter clothes.. goddamn it.. so i did that.. and bought two pairs of Jeans and the fucking cutest, bomber shirt/jacket...o'snap...Anywho..

Things to look forward to this week... Friday possibly another Bon Fire with Tyler... Then Sat.. Supposely going to the Anti flag show with Tyler.. Then Going to Chris's B-day party.. in which the infamous Signal Faded will be attending.. RoCk!

Things not to look forward to...Getting my wisdom teeth pulled all fucking 4.. ouch. and then..Exams on Thursday.. I dunno how i'm going to talk at my Oral exam for philosophy.. It's going to be quite a site.. =)


Anonymous said...

Another bonfire? Woo hoo.. make more smores!

Anonymous said...

ohh..yes.. then we can go to bed that evening and smell like smoke and burnt marshmellows..