Monday, September 6, 2004

know i ain't no good...

so, i've been sitting around watching t.v..

 i ate a whole stick of pepperoni in one day..

 my whole road is 3 feet under water and it's fantastic, hillsborough and memorial is underwater, and the only places open are owned by your sand nigger non english speaking fools..

i've showered but i refuse to wash my hair, and it's sticking straight up, .....'thats hot'....and my dad continues to say, lets go four wheeling,, who cares about the rain, thats the fun of it.. and i agree. but flash backs come to mind on the forth when roger flipped the four wheeler over us, due to him being blind, and riding around the track at night and didn't see the 4 foot drop..tsk..tsk.. ' I ripped open my knee!' Roger continuily said.. i've niked my leg with my razor deeper then that cut he had..=P ..sissy...

this hurricane has given me more then enough time to think over countless things, over and over again.. blah blah blah... same ol story...

Sept. 23 is the only highlight of this month.. hot water music is coming.. to state.. and that is all..

44 days till i turn 21...

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