Monday, January 26, 2004

bad Things happen in 3's

haha well today as been eventful. Got into a fender bender this morning on my way to school.. *my fault* my car looks perfectly normal her bumper is a little messed up.. cops came no ticket thankfuly but when he was returning my registeration n what not he was like "So, Do you date older cops?" i just couldn't help but smile and laugh.. i didn't know rather or not to take him seriously and i was just like "nu uh".. haha.. it was quite odd.. in result i was a little late for class.. no biggie..


Ate a subway wrap for lunch with some kick-ass sweet tea.

Then i hit up borders and listened to a shit load of c.d's and bought the new Cosmo.

after that i went to get gas.. blah  pulled in on the wrong side. then relized the gas station wasn't an amoco or B.P.. i.e. it use to be but.. changed without my knowledge...hah..

After that i went to bestbuy to treat myself to a c.d..

Thee end.. i'm staying home for the rest of the day. I'm gonna surprise my mom by cleaning house.. i Rock as a Daughter...


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