Sunday, December 21, 2003

Tell me all the things i need to know...

Woke up a little late for work..

Ate my lunch from the vending machine-Ritz Bits.

Tried my hardest to not miss you, and think about you..

Came home ate a kick ass dinner..

And now i just got outta the tub and  being lazy, i don't feel like doing anything so i probably won't. Andrew said he "needed" to see me, but i'm not driving out there so whatever and he has yet to call so i doubt i'll even see him. Lisa gets off at 7, by then i might possibly feel like going out, so i'm going to see if she would want to see a movie with me. Mona Lisa's Smile?..

 haha.. my dads over right now, i love my parents theres never a dull moment when were all together.. Christmas is in 3 days.w0oh0o.. i can't wait.. even though i already got my "big present" that being my phone.. so i doubt i'll see a Yorkie under the tree.

anywho.. Todays been a good day.. now i'm going to satisfy my sweet tooth.

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