Monday, September 29, 2008

break ups

when relationships break up in your circle of friends


does that automatically mean those friendships made during the realationship break up to?


it's odd how friendships last longer than relationships, is sex the only thing that defines a relationship?


i never can understand that.










P.S. This has nothing to do with my relationship; if you are concerned. I am happily smitten with my lover.



Saturday, August 30, 2008



Labor day Weekend..eEeeeee!


long weekends are always the best...



Friday, June 20, 2008

here comes that train again


july- viva las vegas
october - 25 years old..i'm an old broad
december - x-mas
january - buenos aires, argentina
february - v-day
march - two years
april - wedding



things are pretty dang amazing..
half the year has come and gone..where has my head been? drifting around in my heart.


Thursday, March 27, 2008



I am obsessed with mishka...



I don't have time for this ol thing..
nor do I have anything fascinating to 'blog' about..
or should i say i have nothing to type about that i want other people knowing
-it's none of their business-






