'Those are some big tits you go there Britni', 'I mean breast'...muahahaha..'Chicken breast'...
P.S. Before dinner i became a cam-whore..s0o0o.. these pics are the result of it..
'Those are some big tits you go there Britni', 'I mean breast'...muahahaha..'Chicken breast'...
P.S. Before dinner i became a cam-whore..s0o0o.. these pics are the result of it..
i do not feel like getting dressed today.. i want to lay around in my undies and t-shirt.. and drink sweet tea.
one more week of school left..i'm excited... i need a summer job...
This weekend i'm boyfriendless.. perhaps i'll call up Lauryn and see a movie.. or have a girls night out with some friends..who knows.
alright, i must go...
i haven't got much to update about.. Saturday after work went shoe shopping with Gwen, was quite fun we made fun of softball girls, and totally recalled walking everywhere back in middle school, and goofed off in walgreens..
Sunday.. worked was very slow.. then came home and headed over to Roger's <3 laid around watched t.v and all the sunday stoops...
and that is all.. today i'm going to bask in the sun and become a brown mexican...
you love me just say it..
the show last night was nice.. it was grand being in that atmosphere again..
It was wonderful having him in my bed and waking up with him..
The carnival is this evening with my mom and my sister ::should be a hoot:: I Love them more then this world....
P.S. Bobby whats up with the domestic violence eh? J-Bird for Life.. it's horrible poor kiddo.
So.. i just got done washing me and my mama's car in less then 45 minutes.. nuff said i rock fucking hardcore as a daughter...
i feel like i shed 20 pounds of sweat outta me....
thee end....
P.S. I miss my boyfriend....Thursday is much too far away....
Matches on Thursday::Unearth on Friday... need i say more
My mother is out of town for two days, and i'm alone in my house starving, and bored, and there ain't shit on HBO or regular t.v..fuck..
I need a good laugh at the moment...
so.. once again.. my day consist of nothing tanned.. laid around the house, watched t.v, cleaned around... yadda yadda..
but the weekend is here, and tomorrow i get to see him <3 very excited about that we possibly might go see Punisher or some other movie haven't decieded..
::tomorrow:: pick up check, lay out by the pool, eat sushi, and wait to go over to rogers....and ::saturday:: work..::sunday:: work...
I'm in a bitch mood for no apparent reason..I'm hungry and there ain't shit on t.v. i sit all day and eat and get fat, i'm out of tanning oil so i'm losing my tan, and i'm pissy.. what else can i complain about.. oh i'm fat and losing me tan... fuck it. blah..
i'm going now to stuff my fat face and soak in self pity..
Monday always comes to soon, the wedding was absolutly perfect, Roger looked handsome as ever. <3 Me and Gwen had a fab time drinking long island ice teas and dancing with the kids...
It was nice waking up to him two nights in a row, i can't seem to get enough i was quite sad when he had to leave this morning at 6
so it's a thursday evening mother is getting ready to go out 'Salsa Night' with the gals and here i am sitting at home at 9:37 alone a bit scared b/c i just got done watching the movie 'Idenity' what a freaky movie... i have done nothing all day cleaned house, did laundry, tanned, came home watched White Oleander for the 5th time, along with Drumline, and Life or something like it, Old School is on right now but i'm not in the mood to sit down stairs and watch it alone...
I hate that Roger lives so far it seems like ages till i get to see him...horrible. but what can ya do.. not a damn thing.. I'll live. Tomorrow is Hiedi's bridal shower, and then saturday work blah, sunday easter and her wedding, hopefully i'll remember to take pictures.
I'm so bored..lord have mercy.. i should have went along with my mother.
Tomorrow i'm lay out by the pool, and go get Heidi's wedding gift, and what not.
as for now i'm getting in the tub and soak in my sorrow..
Friday was good. hung out with Roger went to dinner, then laid in bed all evening watching t.v..
Saturday.. Was drunken oblivion and awesome conversation with Gwen swaping sex stories and the truth behind co-workers.
Sunday..Work, Roger came over afterwards.. <3 i could lay around with him and be lazy everyday all day..
:this week:: Friday is Hiedi's bridal shower and then sunday is Easter and her wedding. Tuesday i'm getting my hair done, and Friday afternoon i'm going on the boat with the folks, and that is all and in between that time i have to find a cute springy outfit for sunday.
finally friday i get to see Roger.. woot!
payday like a motherfucker...jealous..
tomorrow evening i'm going to a 'Pleasure Party' with some girls from work should be an excellent time..
I miss my boyfriend.
i wish it was Friday +payday+
No matter what u think or say Roger. Yeah Yeah Yeahs are the greatest.
It's fucking freezin outside.
I'm going up to the store now to spend my last 10 bucks on ice-cream.
P.S Welcome home Bobby. You J-Bird